
Release SiS Linux VGA Driver For Ubuntu 10.04

I've released VGA driver (Only 2D Part) for Ubuntu 10.04 today.
Here is a screenshot with resolution 1680x1050.
Also disable video overlay (in order to take a screenshot) to play video and running glxgears at the same time.

162 則留言:

Andreo 提到...

Could i try your driver? :)

my e-mail -- hizhnjak@gmail.com

Unknown 提到...

Oh, great!
Could you share this driver for me, please?
Best regards,

Andreo 提到...

There is nothing on my e-mail box :(

Where can i get your driver?

Unknown 提到...

Θα μπορούσατε να μοιραστείτε αυτό το Driver με μένα, παρακαλώ;
Με φιλικούς χαιρετισμούς, xristos.dimos@gmail.com

匿名 提到...

Great work!

can you send me this driver please? my email is driver369@mail.com

Barros Lee 提到...

I have send the driver to your email.

MirekB 提到...

I would also like to try this new driver for ubuntu 10.04.
Please kindly send it to my e-mail kasia.mirek@buczma.pl.
When will you release the 3D driver to the grateful world of sad SIS owning Ubuntu users?

Best regards

Eder Almeida 提到...

Please Barros,

Could you send this driver for me?
my mail is eder.almeida@gmail.com

Best Regards

匿名 提到...

can you send me it at my mail
i wait your massage

alkov 提到...

And could I have your driver? Best regards, alkov@ua.fm

匿名 提到...

I really appreciate your work! Thank you so much!
Could you please send me the driver via email?

Huy 提到...
Huy 提到...

I wish you would finished 3D Driver for Ubuntu, that is very kind of you.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and I cannot install Ubuntu 10.04 because Plymouth. Anyway, thanks for your hard work, and I would like a SiS Driver.

Please send me an e-mail to: huytongwl@gmail.com

匿名 提到...

please send me the driver for ubuntu 10.04
my email is d.chaubey07@gmail.com
thanks in advance.

匿名 提到...

OR can u send me the link from where i can download the drivers

Barros Lee 提到...


Cassiano Faria 提到...
Cassiano Faria 提到...

Hello Barros,

Could you send me the driver too?


Thank you!

Unknown 提到...

Could you send me your driver, please?
this is my email: paolo5194@gmail.com

Best regards

Dekoderek 提到...

Please, upload the driver somewhere or send it me at driversisubuntu@gmail.com


Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...


please send me your driver!!!



匿名 提到...

Could you send me the driver for ubuntu 10.04,please?

My e-mail is: gugamax1@gmail.com

Best regards!

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

Can You send me that driver, please. I'm loosing interest in ubuntu just because my laptop is with sis VGA card.
My email is nenadpin@yahoo.com

Tomás 提到...

請,我會派司機為 Ubuntu的矽統 671三維 10:04
謝謝您的關注。我的e - mail和lostsurfpb@yahoo.com.br

Cláudia Cardoso 提到...

please send me the driver for ubuntu 10.04
email: lp_porto@hotmail.com

coyB 提到...


can i use your driver for m672.
im running LucidLynx


Rocco 提到...

Simple "Great"! I was looking for these driver everywhere. Would you be so kind to send me these drivers ???
My email is : rclmrt@hotmail.com.
Thank to you, I will be able to help other friends.
Thanks a lot,

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

greetings mr lee.. can you send me the driver my email zerkiezerk@yahoo.com i would really appreciate it Thank You Sir

Cláudia Cardoso 提到...

can you send again the mail whith driver?
I delete it, I don't mean to! Sorry... Thanks!

Barros Lee 提到...


Unknown 提到...

Could i try your driver? :)

my e-mail -- juba_hoffmann@hotmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

Please send me: copecu@gmail.com

OmarNose 提到...

hallo... Please send to me too. email aaa_nadie@yahoo.com.ar Thank You! A lot!


ciao avrei bisogno di provare quei driver grazie per il lavoro fatto. spero funzionino :-)


scusa la mia mail è francovilardo@gmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


Just a linuxer 提到...

Hi, barros
Please send me this driver...
thanks a lot in advance :)
my mail id is : india.yogi@gmail.com

Основна школа "Вук Караџић" 提到...

Can you send me this driver? Is it possible to make this driver works in other linux distributions? Thanks! My e-mail is: dekijanjic@yahoo.com

Gabriel 提到...

I need this driver really bad... If you send me to me I will be really gratefull.

Gabriel 提到...

forgot... this is my email diegura@gmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

Hello, I currently have Ubuntu installed in a 10:04
Notebook CCE with SIS video card.
If possible, would you send the driver to
me ... darkstarfirefox [at] hotmail.com

Darkstarfire 提到...

Hello, I currently have Ubuntu installed in a 10.04
Notebook CCE with SIS video card.
If possible, would you send the driver to
me ... darkstarfirefox[at]hotmail.com

Japaxxx 提到...

Barros Lee, I'd be very grateful if you could send this driver to my email. I'm a frustrated linux user because of this video card I could never find a decent driver. I'm still trying to decide on which distro I will work with. So if you could send me all drivers you have I'd apreciate it.

Japaxxx 提到...

My emails are: denismasunaga@gmail.com

peterthegreat 提到...

please, send me your drivers, my email is piotrek1177@gmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

I have a sis 672 mx, this driver will wok too?
Can I try this driver!?

Please send me: thiago.lambais@gmail.com

aRdi 提到...

great, can I try your driver??
my email is rainazure@gmail.com
thank you..

Unknown 提到...

Hi Mr. Barros Lee
I have a SiS 771/671 in my laptop and I'm Ubuntu 10.04 user.
Your driver is my last hope to make this laptop work!
Please, you could send me?
Thank you very much.

Matt 提到...

I'd love to get my hands on your driver my email is trent938-dis@yahoo.co.uk

匿名 提到...

Hi! Can you send me the driver too, please? I've been searching for to long and I finally found o/

email: rafaelcardoso@live.com

Thanks so much! Have a nice day!

匿名 提到...

Hello Barros congratulations for your work, i wanna ask you that if is possible kindly send me the driver sis 672 3d or 2d for my ubuntu 10.04.. my email is pastasciutta88@gmail.com.. thanks!!

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

thank you very much :)
Could you send this driver for me, please?
Best regards.

My mail: thanhvietht@gmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


Ian Findlay 提到...

Hi there.

Could you please send me the driver.


匿名 提到...

Can you send-me the driver, please?
thank you so much!

匿名 提到...

Does this driver works on sis 630? If so, please send it to me for testing

email: galonet2005@yahoo.com


HalfBlood 提到...

Hi, i'll be glad to try both 32 and 64bit driver for Sis graphic card (Sis Mirage 3).

Thanks a lot, send it please to templarofsteele@email.it

Ian Dark 提到...

Hello Barros Lee;
I will apreciate if you send to me the driver.


thanks for the atention

Barros Lee 提到...

Send. And this driver cannot run on sis 630

Morph 提到...

Hi can I get your driver please.


匿名 提到...

You can send this driver for me? My email is matheus.fellipe.ribeiro@hotmail.com. Tanks

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

Any chance of a copy of the ubuntu 10.04 sis driver? My email is neurofen34@gmail.com thanks!

匿名 提到...

Hello Lee, I am Brazilian and these boards SIS has been widely sold here ... I had no idea how it would stress in finding a driver ... please please help me, if you have the driver of Ubuntu 10 would be very happy ... my email is gustavo@x4ids.com.br

Mang Memed 提到...


Can I have a copy of this driver? I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04

My email address is mangmemed@gmail.com

I would really appreciate if you can also release the 3D version :D


Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

From Dayvison Sathler
To Barros Lee

I have Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit, please, send me the driver!

e-mail: dayvisonsathler@ig.com.br

Thank so much!

Leri 提到...

Hi, I am using debian squeeze 32 bit. I think this driver could help me. All the drivers I've probe result good resolution and behaviour, but sometimes freezes my debian box. I dont know if it a misconfiguration of xorg... or anything else. Could you help me? or telling me anything??
And could you send me a 32-bit driver? Thanks in advance.
My email is: vapuleixi@gmail.com


匿名 提到...

I would like to try the driver please... Thank you. You re very kind.


Nobody 提到...

Please, send to me too:


Thanks very much...

Unknown 提到...

Hey, could you send me the driver too? praest@gmail.com

visuim 提到...

我也需要妳ubuntu 10.04的sis 672版本的驅動程式~可以的話麻煩妳提供一下,如果可以的話~連3D的功能都打開吧~pailemn@gmail.com

Unknown 提到...

Dear Sir,

Your work is great. Can you share your driver for me, please? Can your driver work with Xorg 1.8 (Fedora 13 or OpenSuSE 11.3)? I hope it can. Thank you.

Best regards,

匿名 提到...

I would like to try this driver with OpenSuse 11.2. My mail is vlencinas[at]yahoo.com.
Thanks a lot.

Arthur 提到...

Hello Barros,

You can send this driver for me?
Thank you.

My email: arthurlluiz@gmail.com

Barros Lee 提到...


lewax00 提到...

Could I have the driver please?


KaalBhairab 提到...

can i get one for me? plz.

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

hi, Barros please helpme
can you send me your driver,, please?
my email jorge.fritz@gmail.com
Best regards

匿名 提到...

Please Barros send it to me:


Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...


mr Baros,,
please send me the driver please
I really need it
my email : jazzabout@gmail.com

thanx :)

Barros Lee 提到...

Send ^^

Chazer 提到...

Hello Barros Lee. I've been looking this driver for quite some time, it would be awesome if you can send it to my email: chazer4@hotmail.com
I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Thank you! ;D!

匿名 提到...

Can i have the drivers for SIS 740?
fulviodamico ( at ) gmail . com

Barros Lee 提到...


Tur 提到...

Can you please send me your driver?
thank you.

匿名 提到...

Please, send me driver to redcore2003@yahoo.com.

Best regards

coyB 提到...


I'm wondering. Does this driver support dual monitor?

Barros Lee 提到...

And as I know, the driver can support mirror mode and extend mode

Mozart of Computer 提到...

could you send me too?

if possible, can you also make a RPM version for Fedora or OpenSUSE?


匿名 提到...

Hello, I would like to receive the 64-bit driver, if possible. Thanks in advance.


匿名 提到...

Hello, I would like to receive the 64-bit driver, if possible. Thanks in advance.

barcarossa (at) yahoo.co.uk

匿名 提到...



匿名 提到...

Hi Barros, I would like to try the drivers too. I'm kinda "stuck" with a SISM672 and WindowsXP on my laptop, and would like to at least be able to watch videos fluidly on Ubuntu. My email is brunogil69@gmail.com, thank you.

Barros Lee 提到...


Chazer 提到...

Hello Barros Lee.
I need the SiS 761 driver for Ubuntu 10.04 if you can send it to my email: chazer4@hotmail.com
I've just sent some details to your email.
Best Regards. ;D

Unknown 提到...

Hi Barros,
I'd like to download the drivers you wrote. I tried with several but I don't get full color depth. Only 16bit In 24bit I got some dither.
My email is nacho [ d o t ] en [ d o t ] sistemas [ a t ] gmail

Thanks in advance!

Vlad 提到...

please send me the driver for ubuntu 10.04 my email is vladislav.nikitin@gmail.com
Thank you!

Lin 提到...

I kindly ask you send to me your amazing driver, email: omka@one.lv

匿名 提到...

may i request one copy of the driver?
my e-mail address is as follow:

匿名 提到...

hello Mr. Lee can u sen me the driver for fedora 13. my email is d.chaubey07@gmail.com

Amie Alfianto 提到...

please send me your driver...
i'll wait for it...thx :'D
my email --> echi_yosh@yahoo.com

Barros Lee 提到...


Dear Lin,
I cannot send the driver to you, because your email address is wrong?

匿名 提到...

great job
thank you for your great efforts

can you send me this driver please?


thanks in advance

Clebersonds 提到...

Hi Barros Lee

Can you send driver of SiS671 for me,pls. My email is: clebersonds@gmail.com
Thanks so much!

匿名 提到...

Hello Barros Lee, could you please send your driver to me? I'd really appreciate it.

E-mail: apoc@hamd.com.br


匿名 提到...

hi, Barros Lee
can you send me the driver, i really need it
thank's very much before


Mariano 提到...

Hi Mr. Barros Lee
I have a SiS 771/671 in my laptop and I'm Ubuntu 10.04 amd 64 user.
Your driver is my last hope to make this laptop work!
Please, you could send me?
Thank you very much.

Barros Lee 提到...


匿名 提到...

Does the driver need any tweaks to work at 1440x900 resolution?
On my Intel D210GLY motherboard (SiS 662) running Ubuntu 10.04 it fails to start at this resolution (but works OK with higher and lower resolutions); the older driver auto-detects 1440x900 but shows "snow" on the screen.
I tried various tricks with XRANDR utility but none of them allowed me to work at 1440x900 :(
Any ideas on this, perhaps?

hsg 提到...

i need the driver for my lucid lync.
please send me.

Barros Lee 提到...


I checked the source code and found that 1440x900 has been already supported.

So, I guess you don't have 2D Driver in your computer.

Unknown 提到...

Hello! I really need your driver because i have many problems with sis xoorg video. e-mail: apterix@gmail.com

Roma 提到...

Hello, could you please send me this driver on lyashenkor@gmail.com?

匿名 提到...

Hello, Lee!

Could you, please, send the drivers (hope, these are in source form - need to compile them for X.Org 7.7) to wakizashi (at) yandex.ru

Barros Lee 提到...


Jefferson 提到...

Hi barros lee i appreciate what you are doing for the linux community, could you send this driver?

Jefferson 提到...

Oh it'd be great if i could get it for ubuntu 10.04 lts and Fedora 13
in source or binary form Thanks
email: jeffersonhs@gmail.com

mai 提到...

You were nice Job!

Could you send me the driver for ubuntu 10.04,please?

My e-mail is: koaranezumi@mail.goo.ne.jp

Best regards!

mai 提到...

thanks !

voidark 提到...

wow, awesome, i really want this driver, could you send me this driver, please? my email is voidark@ymail.com

匿名 提到...

could you please send me this driver? my mail is: auberginesamurai@gmail.com

Michal 提到...

Hi, can you send your driver to "michal_u@gawab.com"? Many thanks, Michal

匿名 提到...

Could you send me your driver for ubuntu 10.4, please?
my email: mesinketik@gmail.com

Great thanx!

匿名 提到...

Hi can you send the driver here:

why you don't upload the drivers for linux/ubuntu each time on sis's site?

匿名 提到...

Hi, is there any possibility to receive the 3d driver as well?

Either way, could you please email the 2d driver to


Thank you very much!

gibikha 提到...


Please email driver (64bit) to gibi_khan [at] yahoo.co.uk ?

Thank you!

Fatkhul 提到...

please give me your driver..
my email: fatkhulloh@hotmail.com

Unknown 提到...

Hi Barros,

I would appreciate is if you could send your driver to me: vansterpc@gmail.com

Thank for sharing your work!

Pieter van Schaik

Dave 提到...

Could I get a copy of you sis driver? blosserdl@gmail.com

Unknown 提到...

Hi. Great job on this driver.
Can I try this too?
My e-mail: andre.vmatos@gmail.com

匿名 提到...

hello Mr.Lee
i want a driver for ubutnu 10.10 ..
can i get one?
my email d.chaubey07@gmail.com
thanks in advance.

Fatkhul 提到...

could you give me your driver?
my email: fatkhulloh@hotmail.com


matheus 提到...

could i try your driver?


thanks a lot!

hysteriskt 提到...

Hi, Could you please send me the driver?
arturoartur@gmail.com. Thanks alot!

Unknown 提到...

Please Barros,

Could you send this driver for me?
my mail is nozesxy @ gmail.com

Best Regards


Unknown 提到...

Can you send me this driver? My Email: kkmmad@yahoo.com.hk


匿名 提到...

hi, could you send me the driver to my email plz? mine is blancleblanc2@yahoo.com

thank you, i really appreciate it

CMoura 提到...

Hi mr. Barros Lee!

I am an Ubuntu 10.04 user and my last hope on have the OS running in a best resolution than 800x600, is your driver.

I would be pleased if you send it to me.


Unknown 提到...
Unknown 提到...
Unknown 提到...
Unknown 提到...

Hi, My name is Rodrigo and I'm from Brazil.
Could you please send me this driver. And also, my ubuntu 10.04 is amd64, does your driver works for 64 bits OS?

My email: rodrigodavy@gmail.com
Thank you!

lastexile 提到...


Could you send me the driver?



匿名 提到...

Do you have it for Ubuntu Studio 10.10 or openSUSE 11.3 (both 64-bit)?


Unknown 提到...

Please can you send me your drive for Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 to my email? ignacio_aaa@hotmail.com

I can't use my ubuntu correctly.
My best regards

kenedi 提到...

Oh, great!
Could you share this driver for me, please?
Best regards,

Unknown 提到...

could you send it to me?
Please tell me how to install.

Barros Lee 提到...

my new posts has a download link and how to install it.


Unknown 提到...


My name is Brenno and I'm from Brazil.
Could you please send me this driver. My ubuntu 10.10 is amd64.

brenno.pm @ gmail.com


Naassom Dourado 提到...
Nacho 提到...

Hello Barros Lee,
I've been looking for better perfomance drivers for sis671 2d and/or 3d. I've some old ones. Could you send the latest you have developed to nachosemantic at g-gmail?
Thanks in advance

Unknown 提到...

Could i try your driver?

e-mail: huang.weiko@gmail.com