
閒聊 Mix Version

搞的我的 Blog 都要荒廢啦~
剛剛秒殺了一個 sis vga driver bug
現在 sis driver 在  windows 7上使用 IE 9 beta 終於不再是一片白色啦~


說到 sis vga driver
其實 sis 已經有 ubuntu 10.10 的 2d driver 了




這兩天在忙 PSSM (Parallel Split Shadow Map)




有 iPhone 的應該都可以套用吧


這個  3D 也好炫

12 則留言:

Omar Nose 提到...

I'm sorry. I do not speak your language or English (slightly). have or not have Ubuntu 10.10 drivers. and I forget to thank you for ubuntu driver 10.04.

Barros Lee 提到...

SiS have 2d driver for ubuntu 10.10, but the driver is not with me now.

Unknown 提到...

and how about the 3D driver?
there any plans?

Barros Lee 提到...

About new linux 3d driver....

SiS ask me to maintain windows driver but also hope I have free time to develop new linux 3d driver... actually, the project is pending....I am busy for maintaining windows driver.

Unknown 提到...

ok, thanks

匿名 提到...

hello Lee,

It is strange when you write "Sis have 2D driver". I don't know all details of the2D history but Sis name is not under the spotligths..
So you say you have no time to start the 3d driver. Why don't you just contact guys at DRI project? Proove you(sis) are interested in such a dri driver.
Publish initialization code for 3d operations and descriptions of important registers. Don't "work" on it(the driver), just start-it then answer questions.

btw: if I'm here it is because someone gave me a motherboard with Sis 661 chip. I never buy a product if it has Sis chips builtin.

Barros Lee 提到...

If you use sis 661, yes, I think you already have 3d driver, that DRI driver is outsouring to Tungsten Graphics.

After I come to sis, I develop a new linux 3d driver for sis 671/672, of course it is based on DRI. So you can find my 3d driver for ubuntu 7.04, 7.10, MDV 2007, 2008, and Satux.

Recently two years, sis ask me to develop win 7 driver and maintain windows vga driver, so there are no ppl to upgrade our 3d driver to newer os.

So back to your question, sis dont necessary pay any money to DRI, TG guys. If sis really want to have linux 3d driver for latest os, we can do it. But actually, sis DONT WANT.

匿名 提到...

"sis DONT WANT."...
to support Linux and it is a sufficient reason to eliminate this supplier.

Where is your 3d driver Lee? All distributions below 2010 are obsolete. Having a driver for thoses or nothing is equal ;-)

And no there is no driver for the mobo I got (perhaps the chip has no 3Dcapability).
SiS® 741GX (uma) northbridge. OpenSuse 11.3:glxgears=>100fps.

The "741Gx+964/963" platform is 10 years old. It is just time to release the full tech doc. No more secrets in it now. When someone buy a product, the manufacturer (sis) just have no right to decide if it is time to throw away the product or restrict usage.
If the doc can help make better driver, just publish it.

Please copy this to your hierarchy.


匿名 提到...

Before downloading these free drivers, please consider this:
A quote from "Thomas Winischhofer", a guy to whom Sis can say thank you (and more) to not have been totaly rejected all over the opensource world.

Please copy that to your toplevel management Lee.

I have spent far over 4000 hours in developing all these drivers, including the SiS/XGI drivers available on this site, since 2001, not counting the numberless hours I spent answering mails and forum postings. Neither SiS, nor XGI nor any other involved company ever supported me in any way. I am - as opposed to nearly all other X.org or Linux kernel developers - not paid by anyone for doing what I did.""

Barros Lee 提到...

I feel sis "DONT WANT", because no one are assigned to the linux driver team.

Alas, I often forward such information to my boss and some sis guys....I ever get scolded and someone want me to close my blog or remove my profile about sis....

I am the sis linux 3d driver developer, when I come to sis, I wish someone in the world will use the driver i created. I dont know why sis' marketing department unfriendly to linux world...

before i come to sis, sis don't release any linux driver to end user. sis Only release driver to their customer--- some motherboard vendor. Then, some people find here and ask me for the driver, So I ask my superior, and ask the marketing department of sis.
They dont allowed me to send 3d driver to end user. Just allowed me to send 2d driver.

I also feel angry and helpless...(WTF if i buy sis chip and i cannot get the driver!! So I just buy a stone!!?)

Barros Lee 提到...

if you want driver or if you have any opition, you can contact sis via normal way directly....believe me, i already do what i can do....

visuim 提到...


